Individual Therapy

Comprehensive Counseling SolutionsIndividual Psychotherapy is a process of meeting with a therapist to assist you in dealing with symptoms or problems you are having. A common aim of therapy is to gain understanding that informs one to make new choices that achieve a better outcome for one's life. This may involve learning new skills, trying out new behaviors, working through old issues, grieving, or letting go of things that no longer serve health or well-being. We may not so much change our experiences, but rather see more clearly how we relate to them and find a source of peace about the ones that have been troubling to us. From this awareness it becomes possible to move with greater flexibility and creativity in the world.

In your initial appointment, we will assess a variety of personal background information, including situations or conditions that may affect the problem for which you are seeking psycho therapeutic treatment. You participate in this process by completing history forms, sometimes specific symptom check lists, and by talking about your situation. A thorough history helps us to determine if there is a medical or other problem requiring additional referral for care. It also helps in identifying what therapeutic methods may be most effective for you. This also allows us to develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs based on the initial and ongoing assessments. You will be given information about recommendations and are encouraged to ask questions to help you understand your care better.

When you're ready to go below the surface of things, counseling provides personalized guidance and support with the assurance of confidentiality. Whether you're examining a career decision, addressing troubling relationship patterns or behavioral problems with your child, individual counseling is a powerful tool for permanent change.